Sunday, July 5, 2009

Life Marches On

So, its been awhile. I have a job now, which probably accounts for a lot of it. Then I'm also moving, renting a nice little house in Shakopee from the same folks I picked up the Sportster from. All and all, a busy time.

I think things are starting to come together, but I still feel like everything is balancing on a knifes edge. I will still probably turn in the Dakota to the bank, Its just an outrageous amount of money to pay every month for a truck I don't even like. Time will tell, and we shall see. I will contact a couple different banks on Monday about refinancing options, but the ex left my credit in such tatters, I don't hold out much hope for it. And with it so terrible anyhow, A repo on my record probably won't matter that much anyhow.

Oh, and I pick up the Siberian Husky pup with week also. The excitement continues!

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