Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Weight of the World...

Its interesting to go back and look into the blogs, and see how life has changed. I went from sitting pretty good, content with where I was, to once again, losing most everything. I still have a job, at least until Dec. 31, but I've lost the house, the bike, and the owners of said items are threatening legal action for late rent.
I'm back to living in a basement, this one unfinished, and anytime someone takes a bath or shower upstairs, the ceiling leaks. It is still better then the back of my truck or the hangar, so for that I'm thankful.

Fall and winter have always been difficult times of year for me, its almost a cycle, most bad things that happen, do so during these seasons, and I spend spring and summer trying to pick myself back up.

With how much has happened just this summer, it doesn't bode well for the colder months...